Chairmans Report - 2018

The 107th Woolley Moor Show had the largest number of visitors ever with queues at one time running from the road outside the White Horse all the way down to the field entrance!

The week preceding the show was also the busiest ever with John Ward riding up and down the field on his garden mower creating stripes and a finished field almost akin to Wembly standards!! Whilst others erected the 4 large marquees and several new gazebos (purchased with thanks from Derbyshire County Council’s community grant funding). Thankfully the weather was in our favour all week and the pub was open for a well-earned drink at the end of each evenings exertions!

Show day started for the early risers from 7.30am and by 9 am the show field was buzzing with committee members and helpers putting out signs, chairs and setting up stalls. Villagers arrived with lots of lovely cakes & biscuits for the tea stall and bottles and prizes for the tombola and raffle. Show produce entrants were busy registering and setting out their entries and by 9.30am the first stallholders and classic cars/tractors were arriving.

By 11.30am the field was full and queues were beginning to form at each entry gate. Word had spread that the Lancaster flypast would be earlier this year (1.15pm ish) and everyone wanted to be on the field to be a part of it. At 1.10pm just as the countdown announcement was being made a loud rumbling sound could be heard, the unmistakable roar of a Merlin engine, and suddenly with union jack flags waving and the crowd cheering the Lancaster appeared directly above the treetops and houses – it was so low you could see the pilot! – it caught us by surprise but that made its entrance even more dramatic. To the music medley of 633 Squadron and Land of Hope and Glory, the Lancaster flew by 3 times before dipping its wings and flying on to Blackpool – a truly brilliant flypast which bought a lump to the throat, amazing!

Steve Carver followed shortly afterwards performing another magnificent display of aerobatics in his Extra 260 plane to a great medley of superhero theme music. The crowds applauded and were obviously impressed with what they had seen – great value for money!!

2018 is celebrating 100 years of the RAF, 100 years since the end of WW1 and 75 years since the Lancaster’s bouncing bomb feat of WW2. With this in mind, it was suggested that some of the ladies on the committee may like to do something special themselves to commemorate the occasion – which they did! Lead by Kelly Broadhead fellow committee members Sally Buckley, Kim Hunter, Karen Hughes, Emma Sanderson and Liz Cooke performed in the arena as ‘Kelly’s have a go Heroes’. Dressed in RAF uniform they performed several songs from the war years and were so well received they performed again later in the afternoon and were even approached for a further booking by Ashover WI !!

This year saw Bingo return to the show! – not the game but a 5ft fluffy grey rabbit which raised £60 to guess its name – which was BINGO! We also had a new ‘Silent Auction’ stall which proved to be very successful.

The new ‘Molhusk Inn’ built by Andrew Buckley (Mole) and Jonny Hughes (Husky) enjoyed a very successful day in its new position on the pavilion verandah and the additional seating/table area provided for the bar was very well received. The Hog roast (Bruce’s team) and tea stall (Cooke’s galore) were again extremely popular and the seating/table areas well used. Due to extra demand for food (a decision made from last year’s comments) a new BBQ stall (specialising in jumbo hot dogs!) was run by Karl Goodlad and Wayne Sanderson this year. This was a huge success and as with all of the food stalls, they were run off their feet and sold all stock!

The flower arranging demonstration was once again well attended and a great success. The Show marquees were organised and open in record time (1.45pm) thanks to the extra help and new ideas input from Jo and Rob, Deb, John, Margaret and Sally. The arena was surrounded all day with an appreciative audience either sitting in the chairs provided or on the grass enjoying the Birds of Prey, dog obedience displays, Kelly’s Heroes and Ashover brass band whilst eating, drinking and soaking up the sun! The field was as full as it could be with over 30 stalls of various types and a craft tent. The highly polished classic cars and tractors were a great attraction glistening in the sun and a certain retired RAF officer, Keith Broom, looking resplendent in his uniform kept order!

Once again we ended Show day with a spectacular firework display run by Will Marriot and Galaxy Fireworks. Will made a soundtrack which was synchronised with the fireworks and the whole effect was amazing! A great way to end a fabulous day and a very busy week!!

Finally, I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone concerned with the show – I think this year’s show must be the most successful ever and I know the weather plays a huge part in this BUT without your help it wouldn’t be possible – so THANK YOU, you all did an AMAZING JOB!!

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